Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I guess ill start at the beginning.....

    Hello Strangers! For some odd reason, you've decided to read my blog. God can only know why you would want to read this but nevertheless here you are. The beginning of the story I'm about to tell you does not start with my birth or my conception or anything before my time so Do Not Panic!  It actually start about 7 years from now, right before my life took a nose dive into the Gates of Hell.
    Ok let me think... 7 years ago...oh ok, so as mostly everyones childhood was, my life was pretty average. I was 11 years old with a huge group of friends. My best friend was Nick who I did absolutely everything with, my sister was 8 years old at the time and extremely annoying, and my parents were happily married (well, at least I thought so). Every kid dreads the thought of having their parents get a divorce. Kids always hear horrible stories of terrible custody battles and siblings being split up and separated so at least one parent gets a child. I was no different however what I dreaded the most did actually happen and it wasn't in a pleasant manner.
    I remember it being like a spring or a summer day and my mom was driving my sister and I to the State Park. Usually we only went to the State Park with my Dad to play basketball but I figured my Mom just wanted to walk around or something. Once we parked in the parking lot my mom moved into the back seat and sat between my sister and I. That was when she hit us with the news. "Your Father and I are getting a divorce". Only one who's been in that situation can understand how it feels for your heart to drop to your stomach and then for your stomach to rise to your throat and feel like you just had the worse raw oyster in the                                      world.
    Aside from trying to run out of the car and all the yelling and screaming i was doing, i took it rather well. My sister on the other hand just thought it was something new and wasn't understanding anything that was actually happening. We left the State Park shortly after and went back home. I walked inside the house, saw my father and began yelling at him about the divorce. He was shocked that my mother told my sister and I. Apparently he wanted it to be some sort of a surprise like a hidden gift that was left in the closet that no one wanted to open. After my tantrum, my parents began doing their usual arguments.
    A month or so went by before the divorce actually was finalized. My mom, sister, and I moved to an apartment complex in Budd Lake, NJ called Village Green. It was a two bedroom apartment with a courtyard in the back. My Dad stayed at the house we were living in before. According to the judge, my parents had joint custody of us. Instead of my sister and I only see's one parent and the other every other weekend, we saw our parents throughout the week: Monday&Thursday - Mom, Tuesday&Wednesday - Dad, and the weekend was one parent every other weekend including Friday.
    The court schedule wasn't actually that crazy. My sister and I liked being able to see each parent throughout the week. But as always, life rarely gets better before it gets worse. My mom apparently felt the need to date. I forget the guys name but I didn't like him. He was a Janitor.....(they prefer to be called Custodians) at a catholic pre-school. Now, seeing your mother with another man was extremely hard for me to adjust to and in result for not adjusting, I made sure I did everything I could for her "boyfriend" to leave her. I remember I would call my mom a teenager for acting so immature, I'd tell her that we were more important, I'd wait at the door when her boyfriend and her were saying  goodbye, I would never talk to him or look at him....etc. That relationship didn't last long.

Ok guys, I'll post the next part later. It'll tell about how I met my Stepdad, Stepmom, and my 3 Evil Stepsisters (aka-The Devil's Spon) Hope you enjoy'd the first part cause I sure didn't!

Until Next Time,
Ryan Valle

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